Saturday, March 22, 2014

PSV 001 - Get-EventLog - Video

VLOG Entry 001

Trying to supplement some of my blog content with some videos. These are intended to reinforce the posts. They are as much for me as they are for you! I may occasionally create the video first then a blog post, but most likely you will see a quick post that is followed by a video.

Either way I hope you like them. I'm really enjoyed PowerShell over the years and lately as I dove in to learn at a much deeper level I realized that it is truly an environment that every systems administrator and software company should embrace.

I will learn along the way, make blunders, do stupid things but all along I will be learning. I will be introducing Specops specific scenarios and solutions as I get to them. But there is a lot of basic PowerShell information to share up front.

Here you go, enjoy the video.

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