$Profile - what is it good for?
There are many things you can use the profile for in PowerShell. The variable $profile stores the path to the profile loaded when you launch the console or the ISE.

If you notice the path above you will see the script is called 'Microsoft.PowerShellISE_Profile.ps1'. It is a profile script that will load when you launch the ISE. I almost exclusively use the ISE these days, I have found very few reasons to use the console. That is a different discussion.
What is put in the profile script?
Well, that is really the question I've been asking myself. I find that just about every time I launch the ISE I think of something that I need to have available to me. For example I use the Specops PowerShell cmdlets every day. The cmdlets and functions that come through our Deploy products are PowerShell modules. Our Specops Password products expose their commands through PSSnapIns. PSSnapIns and some modules need to be loaded explicitly.
- Add-PSSnapIn -Module specopssoft.specopspasswordpolicy
- Import-Module -Module specopsdeploy
Another thing I do on a regular basis is update the help content. Now this is a bit much for a profile in my experience but it can catch updated content when available. If there are specific modules that you utilize all the time you can update those individually. This command updates the help content.
- Update-Help
- Update-Help -Module Hyper-V
Many of my friends and colleagues use PowerShell and some are true power users. Their profile scripts include quite a bit of automation. These are just simple examples share yours.
Starting the console with the focus on a directory that is used for most tasks is also very helpful.
- Set-Location c:\psstuff
How to Update the profile script
The path to the profile script is stored in the $Profile variable. Above you can see the data stored in this variable for the ISE. When you want to edit your profile script simply type
This will launch notepad with the profile script.
And that is that
Save the script, close the ISE and re-launch it. the configuration your have in the script will run. If you haven't updated help content in a while this one can take a while. So use that with the understanding of what it is doing.
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